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Child Custody and Support

Child Custody and Support Lawyers in Stuart, Florida

Experienced Attorneys Will Protect Your Rights

Child custody and support can be some of the most painful and tenuous issues that families encounter during a divorce. Even if a divorce is amicable, parents should seek help from a qualified Florida lawyer like those at The Law Patriot, who can help ensure the best outcome for everyone, especially their children.

Legal and Physical Custody – What's the Difference?

Child custody laws in Florida help to determine which parent should have legal and physical custody. Whoever has legal custody can make educational, religious, medical, and disciplinary decisions. Physical custody determines where the child will live. Two types of custody are commonly awarded in Florida:

  • Sole custody, giving one parent legal and physical custody of the child
  • Joint custody (called shared parental responsibility in Florida), which is awarded to both parents who share legal and physical custody of the child

In joint custody situations, one parent is named the primary joint custodian and the other parent is granted visitation so that the child has a primary residence, school, and doctor. Both parents must approve all decisions that relate to the child.

Florida Child Support Guidelines

The child custody laws in Florida include child support guidelines that must be followed when determining child support payments. Courts typically look at the income of both parents and the number of children involved when determining how much support is needed. If one parent has a sudden increase or decrease in income or a child's financial needs increase suddenly, child support payments can be modified accordingly. Parents in Florida are required to pay child support until the child either finishes high school or turns 19.

Going through a divorce in Florida? The Law Patriot will represent your interests as well as those of your children. Contact us online for skilled legal representation in divorce, child custody, and support matters in Stuart, Florida and the surrounding counties of Martin, Indian River, St. Lucie, and Okeechobee.