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Divorce in Florida

Divorce in Stuart, Florida

Experienced Former Prosecutors and Trial Lawyers Protect Client Rights

Divorce can be one of the most emotionally difficult and financially taxing experiences a family may go through. The experienced Stuart divorce attorneys at The Law Patriot will protect your rights in a divorce by building a powerful case and negotiating from a position of strength, potentially savings you thousands of dollars and sometimes years of wasted time and additional stress.

Grounds for Divorce in Florida

Florida is a no-fault divorce state, which means that you can't claim that your spouse's wrongdoing was the cause of the divorce. However, the court may consider fault as a factor when dividing marital property or when awarding alimony. In Florida, a divorce will not be granted unless one of the following conditions exists:

  • The marriage is irretrievably broken
  • One of the parties is mentally incapacitated under the provisions of Florida Statute 744.331 for a preceding period of at least three years

Do I Need a Florida Divorce Lawyer?

Whether or not you need a divorce lawyer depends upon many factors, including the personalities of those involved, the marital property at stake, and whether or not there are children involved. If you and your spouse cannot agree on major issues or your family has suffered from spousal, child, sexual, or substance abuse, a skilled divorce lawyer like those at The Law Patriot can help protect your interests. It may also be wise to hire a Florida divorce attorney if your spouse has an attorney, as it could be difficult and intimidating to try and move forward without adequate representation.

The Law Patriot is dedicated to caring and personalized legal service in divorce matters in Martin, Indian River, St. Lucie, and Okeechobee counties in the state of Florida. Contact The Law Patriot online or call (772) 888-0883 for assistance with your Florida divorce.