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Divorce Litigation

Divorce Litigation in Stuart, Florida

Experienced Former Prosecutors and Trial Lawyers Will Advocate for You

Many divorcing couples choose to try to save money by not retaining legal counsel, but this is often a mistake. Even when spouses seemingly agree on every aspect of their divorce, there are still numerous filings, deadlines, and protocols they must follow in order to make a divorce legally binding and final in Florida. Non-lawyers are generally unfamiliar with these rules, procedures, and timelines, and while going through a divorce is not the best time to learn. The Law Patriot provides effective divorce litigation support to those on the Treasure Coast, and is dedicated to aggressively fight for your interests in court.

In the state of Florida, all parties to a divorce must attend a mediation session in an attempt to resolve their divorce issues prior to going to trial. Although nearly 70 percent of divorce cases settle in mediation, some are too complex or the parties are too filled with emotion to agree and the matter ends up in court. The experienced attorneys at The Law Patriot know when it is more productive to sit down at the negotiation table and when it is in your best interest to present a strong case at trial.

Divorce litigation is similar to a tactical military operation. When Thomas L. Colter of The Law Patriot completed his service in the U.S. Marine Corps and decided to become a divorce attorney, he brought his sense of fairness, fighting spirit, and tenacity with him. He will aggressively advocate for your interests in settlement negotiations and in court.

If you are considering a divorce in Florida, The Law Patriot is dedicated to caring and personalized legal representation in divorce matters in Martin, Indian River, St. Lucie, and Okeechobee counties in the state. Contact The Law Patriot online or call (772) 888-0883 for assistance with your Florida divorce.