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The Law Patriot | Divorce Lawyer
Stuart, Florida Divorce Counsel

Divorce and its aftermath can be very difficult for every member of the family. Many financial and logistical issues must be resolved—with personal and emotional implications for everyone.

The experienced Stuart divorce attorneys at The Law Patriot take some of the pressure off by guiding clients through the process. The goal is to get lives back in order as quickly and effectively as possible.

The Florida trial attorneys of The Law Patriot handle a wide variety of family law issues:

  • Divorce
  • Custody
  • Shared parenting
  • Division of marital property
  • Alimony
  • Visitation
  • Child support
  • Pre- and post-nuptial agreements
  • Division of debt
  • Legal separation
  • Annulment
  • Contempt—violation of court orders
  • Modification of court orders

Stuart divorce lawyers

In Florida, the legal divorce process begins when one of the spouses files a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage with the Family Department of the local Circuit Court. The other spouse is then served with the paperwork and given time to respond. If the parties are in agreement about property and debt division, as well as child custody and child support matters, the divorce can be finalized without a trial. If the parties cannot come to an agreement, the court sets up a hearing that is like a trial.

The attorneys of The Law Patriot know how contentious and emotionally charged divorce-related legal disputes can become. In addition to being successful divorce attorneys in court, they also can assist with settlements in these cases.

Do I really need a divorce attorney?

Legally, you do not need to retain a Stuart divorce lawyer. Practically, however, it is usually smart to do so.

Many divorcing couples choose to forego legal counsel in an effort to save money. This is all too often a mistake. Even though a couple may agree on every point regarding their divorce, there are still numerous filings, deadlines, and protocols they must follow in order to make a divorce binding and final. As a layperson, you are almost certainly unfamiliar with these rules, regulations, and timelines. And the stressful weeks and months following the decision to end your marriage is no time to learn them.

Furthermore, an experienced divorce lawyer in Stuart can provide a new and objective perspective on your divorce. There may be key issues regarding alimony, child support, custody, and other such matters you simply have not thought to ask yourself. A family law and divorce attorney who has handled divorce processes can help you think through these issues.

The legal decisions you make regarding your divorce literally affect the rest of your life. Do not make them without consulting an experienced divorce and family lawyer first.

Aggressive advocacy of client interests

The Law Patriot is dedicated to personalized legal service in divorce, the division of marital property, child custody, and child support matters in Florida. Contact The Law Patriot online or call (772) 888-0883 for assistance in Martin, Indian River, St. Lucie, and Okeechobee counties.