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Fleeing and Eluding


The attorneys of the The Law Patriot represent individuals who have been accused of fleeing or attempting to elude law enforcement. if you have been arrested because you allegedly refused to stop your vehicle for the police, you may be facing jail time, fines, the mandatory suspension of your driving privileges, and a felony criminal record. Law enforcement takes these charges very seriously. Sometimes law enforcement officers are offended by a citizens failure to immediately pull over and can be overly aggressive in the encounter. The police and the prosecuting attorneys will have to have to prove their case against you beyond a reasonable doubt. Our traffic criminal defense lawyers can examine the circumstances surrounding your arrest, review the evidence and recommend a defense. Contact our Stuart law office immediately to discuss your case.

Fleeing and Eluding and Aggravated Fleeing and Eluding in FL

In Florida, it is a third degree felony to willfully flee or attempt to elude a police officer in a vehicle once you have knowledge that you have been ordered to stop. If in fleeing, you drive at a high speed or in a reckless manner, the charge can be increased to a second degree felony. In order to prove the crime of fleeing and eluding, the state of Florida must show that you knew that it was the police who were trying to stop you. For instance, the officer attempting to stop you was in a marked police vehicle, with its overhead lights and or/siren activated. If, on the other hand, it was an unmarked vehicle that is not equipped with emergency lights and sirens, it is a much more difficult case for the prosecution to win.

Professional Criminal Defense Lawyers For Fleeing and Eluding Arrests

If you have been charged or arrested for fleeing and eluding or aggravated fleeing and eluding, your attorney must begin building your criminal defense immediately. In the case of fleeing and eluding, the maximum prison sentence is five years. For the enhanced charge of aggravated fleeing and eluding, the potential prison sentence climbs to fifteen years. Both charges have a mandatory license suspension and mandatory adjudication of guilt. At the The Law Patriot, our attorneys will only recommend that you accept a negotiated plea when it is truly in your best interest. Trust your future and continued liberty to an experienced defense firm with a proven record of success.

To schedule an appointment with one of Stuart's premier criminal defense lawyers, call our office at (772) 888-0883.