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Law Patriot Team

Kevin Spicer

Kenneth W. Spicer

Chief Operating Officer

Ken and Eve Spicer have been married for 31 years and have three children and ten grandchildren. They spent 25 years in pastoral ministry, 18 of which was a church they pioneered. They have planted Churches and Bible Schools in the U.S. and abroad, and in 2021, they planted a Church in central Arkansas.

Ken and Eve have always been proponents of marketplace ministry and have started various businesses while encouraging others to see their business ideas as a means to express God’s goodness in the community and culture.

Ken is a United States Marine Corps Combat Veteran, a graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center and a graduate of Oral Roberts University with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and a Master of Organizational Leadership.

Ken is the CEO of Crossroad Ministries Int’l and most recently served as the Executive Director of the Nfluence Network in Granger, IN.